Apex-0698-Part 2: Apex-trak
Part 2
6. Use the <BKSP> key to delete unwanted characters and then key the desired number of seconds for the
software to pause between automatically transmitting blocks of data to the wedge during transfer of data.
Characters are displayed as keyed.
Then press <ENTER>.
The first Wedge Parameters screen is again displayed. The option you selected
is still selected.
W e d g e P a r a m e t e r s
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
A u t o T r a n s m i t
Y e s ( N o ) _
7. If all Wedge Parameter options are set as desired, press <ALT><Q>.
The settings are saved for the current program and the current program’s Set Options menu is displayed.
Otherwise, continue to Step 8.
8. Navigate to the screen that displays the option you want to reset. Select the desired option. Then press
The settings are saved for the current program and the current program’s Set Options menu is displayed.
Erase Data File
This procedure deletes all the data in the current program. It is usually performed only after data is successfully
transferred to the PC.
Perform the following procedure from the Set Options menu (page 22).
Do not perform this procedure unless you have no need for the data in the current program’s data file and
want to erase it.
1. Press the <E> key.
The Erase Data File screen is displayed.
E r a s e D a t a F i l e
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
A r e y o u s u r e ?
Y e s ( N o ) _
2. If necessary, press the arrow keys to place parentheses around Yes or No.
Parentheses toggle between being displayed around Yes and No as the arrow
keys are pressed.
E r a s e D a t a F i l e
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
A r e y o u s u r e ?
( Y e s ) N o _
3. Assure that you have the desired option selected (Yes to erase data, No to cancel this procedure). Then
press <ENTER>.
The Set Options menu (page 22) is displayed. If you selected (Yes), the current data file is erased and
cannot be recovered.