Pal-Ip parameters programming
Pal-Ip video module to update
Current IP address (Pal-Ip video module)
Current netmask (Pal-Ip video module)
New IP address
New netmask
Address acquisition mode
Alarm panel
Final IP address (control unit)
0 . 0 . 0 . 0
192.168. 1 .234
192.168. 1 . 1
255.255.255. 0
192.168. 1 .230
Static address
0 . 0 . 0 . 0
After correctly installing at least one PAL/IP module, proceed as follows to
configure it:
1. Click on Assign New IP to Module.
2. In the pop-up press the button
Programming Pal-Ip parameters
Pal-Ip video module to update
Current IP address (Pal-Ip video module)
New IP address
New netmask
Address acquisition mode
Alarm panel
Current IP address (control unit)
0 . 0 . 0 . 0
. . .
. . .
192.168. 1 .230
0 . 0 . 0 . 0
0 . 0 . 0 . 0
Static address
3. A new pop-up will ask you to confirm loading of the factory-set address.
4. Confirm.
5. When the pop-up closes, the default address will have bee loaded. Press the
Ping button to check whether the module is reachable. If it is not, check the
connections (power supply and IP network).
6. Enter the new address to be assigned to the module (e.g. in
the New IP Address field.
7. Press the Ping button next to the new address to make sure that it is not already in use. If you receive an 'address present' reply , change it (e.g.
to and repeat the Ping test. No module should reply to the address that you want to assign to the PAL/IP module.
8. Enter the Netmask value (default
9. Enter the Gateway value.
10. Press Run.
See description
Send Message options on page. 89
N.B.: The default IP address is for all the PAL/IP modules. If two Pal/IP video modules are installed, it is imperative to
reprogram the IP address of at least one of the two modules. Failure to do so could cause an IP address conflict on the network. You are
advised to reprogram one module at a time, keeping the other module disconnected from the IP network.
• Unlimited:
checkbox; if selected, there is no limit on the number of technical alarm cycles that can be generated per activation cycle.
• Cycles:
numerical box; if the Unlimited checkbox is not selected, this box enables you to set a limit to the number of technical alarm cycles that
can be generated, measured between one activation and the next.
This section is for selecting how many images (frames) must be captured when required (e.g. as a result of a zone in alarm). The images will be
captured at intervals of one second.
The captured images can be sent as MMS, email and notifications to Vedo App.
If using third-party IP cameras, make sure that:
• They support the default video streaming configuration, i.e. MJPEG, 320x240 pixel with FPS from 1 to 12.
• The URL providing access to video streaming for the IP camera is known.
All IP cameras interfacing with the VEDOCCTV module should adopt the same configuration as the low-definition channel (same
codec, same resolution, same frame rate...).
• Areas:
determines which areas the camera will be associated with.
• Video acquisition mode:
to speed up the capture of the first image, do not select Autoswitch mode.
• Pre-alarm recording:
Allows you to select the analogue camera on which to make the continuous recording.
• IP(x) Camera
Auto-configuration button:
Press the button and select the model of camera used (IP100 / IP700) to auto-configure the URL
of the channels.
• Areas:
determines which areas the camera will be associated with.
• Username:
User name for IP CAM access (as for camera configuration)
• Password:
Password for IP CAM access (as for camera configuration)
• IP/Hostname:
Hostname or IP address for IP CAM (as for camera configuration)
• Low resolution channel:
channel for low resolution video streaming (for Comelit cameras IPCAM100=
, for Comelit
cameras IPCAM700=
, for cameras supplied by third parties, refer to the respective manuals)
• URL preview:
URL address for the "Low resolution channel" stream from the IP (x) camera. To be used in programs that allow viewing
of rtsp video streaming.
• High resolution channel:
channel for high resolution video streaming (for Comelit cameras IPCAM100=
, for Comelit
cameras IPCAM700=
, for cameras supplied by third parties, refer to the respective manuals)
• URL preview:
URL address for the "High resolution channel" stream from the IP (x) camera. To be used in programs that allow viewing
of rtsp video streaming.
• RTSP port:
RTSP service port of the IP CAM
• Images to capture:
numerical box, allows you to set the number of images to capture. The value is between 1 and 4.
In this section you have to select the cameras installed, add the description and select the areas to be associated to the respective camera.
You can choose
to select a camera that is present( for example to exclude its operation temporarily or because it is faulty). A camera must not
be selected if it is not physically connected to the PAL/IP module, as this would generate a fault associated with the module.
In this section you have to select the IP cameras installed, add the description and select the areas to be associated to the respective camera. You
can choose
to select a camera that is present( for example to exclude its operation temporarily or because it is faulty). A camera must not be
selected if it is not physically connected to the PAL/IP module, as this would generate a fault associated with the module.
Summary of Contents for VEDO 2.6 Series
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