9. Viewing Telephone Status
The CallConnector Operator Telephone Status window allows you to view and monitor the real-
time status of all the lines and extension numbers in your call coverage group. Using this window,
you may choose to observe only the ringing numbers, or only the connected numbers, or the
combination of them, or all the numbers in your group. You may also connect to a ringing number
on your phone.
This chapter describes the following in more detail:
Telephone Status Overview -
Provides an overview of the CallConnector Operator
Telephone Status window.
Opening the window -
Describes how to open the Telephone Status window.
Closing the window -
Describes how to close the Telephone Status window.
Navigation Options
Describes how to move up and down in the Telephone
Status window, select a specific line or extension
number, access a feature from a selected line or
extension number, and open the CallConnector Operator
window when minimized.
Customizing the window
Describes various options to customize the look-and-feel
of the Telephone Status window and to move the
Telephone Status window.
Filtering the information
Describes how to display only the ringing numbers, or
only the connected numbers, or all numbers in the
Connecting to a ringing line
- Describes how to connect to a ringing line or extension