Chapter 6
Monitoring Queued Calls
6-52 CallConnector Operator
To Login
Option 1
Select “Take Call” from the Call Queue toolbar. The CallConnector Operator will
clear the call forward features on the local queues and logs the operator in the
hunt group call queues.
Option 2
Make sure that “Sync Operator Status with Presence Server” is enabled. Change
the presence status to “Available”.
Option 3
Select Queues/Log In to all My Hunt Queues from the Call Queue toolbar.
Option 4
Right-click on the hunt group queue and click on Log into all my Hunt DNs.
Option 5
Right-click on the hunt DN and click on Log In.
To Logout
Option 1
Select “Make Busy” or “Set Unavailable” from the Call Queue toolbar. The
CallConnector Operator will set the call forward features on the local queues and
logs the operator out of the hunt group call queues.
Option 2
Make sure that “Sync Operator Status with Presence Server” is enabled. Change
the presence status to “Unavailable”.
Option 3
Select Queues/Log Out of all My Hunt Queues from the Call Queue toolbar.
Option 4
Right-click on the hunt group queue and click on Log out of all my Hunt DNs.
Option 5
Right-click on the hunt DN and click on Log Out.
To Set Busy Routing
Option 1
Select “Make Busy” from the Call Queue toolbar. The CallConnector Operator will
forward the incoming calls to the Busy Routing Number configured in the
Configuration Manager.
Option 2
Make sure that “Sync Operator Status with Presence Server” is enabled. Change
the presence status to “Busy”.
To Set Unavailable Routing
Option 1
Select “Set Unavailable” from the Call Queue toolbar. The CallConnector
Operator will forward the incoming calls to the Night Routing Number configured
in the Configuration Manager.
Option 2
Make sure that “Sync Operator Status with Presence Server” is enabled. Change
the presence status to “Away” or “Unavailable”.
Option 3
Select Queues/Enable Call Forwarding on all Local Queues’ DNs from the Call
Queue toolbar.
Option 4
Right-click on the local call queue and click on Forward all DNs.
Option 5
Right-click on the local queued call and select Toggle Forward.