These images are used for upgrading and downgrading the software only. For more information, see
Prerequisites for the Software Upgrade Process, on page 199
and subsequent sections.
(Cisco IOS XE Everest 16.5 and later) On AWS, you can use the Cisco CSR 1000v .bin file to upgrade
the version of Cisco CSR 1000v, without having to recreate AWS EC2 instance from a new AMI. This
inline upgrade process is not yet available on Microsoft Azure.
(Cisco IOS XE Everest 16.4 and earlier) You cannot use the Cisco CSR 1000v .bin file to upgrade AMIs
obtained from Amazon Web Services. You must create a new AMI instance and migrate your configuration
and licenses.
Cisco CSR 1000v Installation Options
The Cisco CSR 1000v supports the following installation options:
Deploy the OVA template on the VM.
Uses the .ova file. This template creates a VM using recommended preset values. See
Cisco CSR 1000v OVA to the VM using vSphere, on page 76
OVA to the VM using COT, on page 84
The .ova file can be used only for first-time installation. It cannot be used for upgrading the Cisco IOS
XE software version.
Deploy the .ova file on the VM using the Common OVF Tool (COT).
The COT application is included in the file package. However, to ensure that you are using the latest
version of COT, download COT directly from the GitHub site:
Using the COT application, you can customize the VM values and easily deploy the custom VM as part
of the Cisco CSR 1000v installation process. See
Editing the Basic Properties of Cisco CSR 1000v using
vSphere, on page 81
The COT application is recommended in place of the BDEO tool, which is used in early releases of Cisco
Manually configure the VM using the .iso file.
Uses the .iso file. You can install the .iso file on your host and manually create the VM using your
hypervisor software. For example, if you are installing the Cisco CSR 1000v on VMware, you would
install the .iso file on the VMware ESXi host, and manually create the VM using the vSphere GUI. See
the following sections:
Manually Creating the Cisco CSR 1000v VM Using the .iso File (VMware ESXi), on page 92
Manually Creating the Cisco CSR 1000v VM Using the .iso File (Citrix XenServer), on page 107
Creating the Cisco CSR 1000v VM Using virt-install
Using ISO Image, on page 120
Cisco CSR 1000v Series Cloud Services Router Software Configuration Guide
Installation Overview
Cisco CSR 1000v Installation Options