Upgrading the Cisco IOS XE Software
Prerequisites for the Software Upgrade Process, page 199
Saving Backup Copies of Your Old System Image and Configuration, page 200
Using TFTP or Remote Copy Protocol to Copy the System Image into Boot Flash Memory, page 202
Loading the New System Image from the Cisco IOS XE Software, page 205
Loading the New System Image from GRUB Mode, page 208
Saving Backup Copies of Your New System Image and Configuration, page 210
Rebooting the Cisco CSR 1000v, page 212
Prerequisites for the Software Upgrade Process
This section describes how to upgrade the Cisco IOS XE software for an existing Cisco CSR 1000v installation
on a VM. For information on installing a new Cisco CSR 1000v, see
Cisco CSR 1000v Series Cloud Services
Router Overview, on page 5
This procedure is for upgrading to a new software version of the Cisco CSR 1000v on the same VM only. It
does not describe how to install or rehost an existing CSR 1000v running the same or upgraded software
version on a different VM.
The Cisco CSR 1000v does not support In-Service Software Upgrade (ISSU).
(Cisco IOS XE Everest 16.5 and later) On AWS, you can use the Cisco CSR 1000v .bin file to upgrade
the version of Cisco CSR 1000v, without having to recreate the AWS EC2 instance from a new AMI.
Note that this inline upgrade process is not yet available on Microsoft Azure.
(Cisco IOS XE Everest 16.4 and earlier) You cannot use the Cisco CSR 1000v .bin file to upgrade AMIs
obtained from Amazon Web Services. You must create a new AMI instance and migrate your configuration
and licenses.
Cisco CSR 1000v Series Cloud Services Router Software Configuration Guide