Command or Action
Registers the device instance
with the Cisco licensing
license smart register idtoken id-token
Router# license smart register idtoken YjBkOWM5YTItMDFiOS00ZjBmLTllY2YtODEzMzg1
The system will now contact the Cisco Smart Licensing servers
Step 1
cloud. This step only needs to
be performed once per device
The license agent registers the
product with Cisco and
receives back an identity
to obtain authorization for Smart Licensing
certificate. This certificate is
saved and automatically used
for all future communications
with Cisco. The license agent
automatically renews the
registration information with
Cisco every 30 days.
The device is registered with Cisco.
Smart licensing may fail when IPv6 is configured on any interface and the device does not have IPv6
connectivity to the Internet or the Cisco Smart Software Agent at, resulting in log file
error messages such as those shown below.
(Note that these messages may also appear as a result of other conditions being true.)
%SMART_LIC-3-AGENT_REG_FAILED: Smart Agent for Licensing Registration with Cisco licensing
cloud failed: Fail to send out Call Home HTTP message.
%SMART_LIC-3-COMM_FAILED: Communications failure with Cisco licensing cloud: Fail to
send out Call Home HTTP message.
If connectivity failed due to this issue, see
Re-establishing Connectivity to the Cisco Smart Call Home
Server when IPv6 is Configured, on page 178
What to Do Next
Go to
Requesting Cisco Smart License Throughput Level Licenses, on page 180
Registering the Router with the Cisco Licensing Cloud (CSSM
If you are registering the router and using CSSM satellite, go to the following section instead:
the Router with the Cisco Licensing Cloud, on page 175
Cisco CSR 1000v Series Cloud Services Router Software Configuration Guide
Installing Cisco CSR 1000v Licenses
Registering the Router with the Cisco Licensing Cloud (CSSM satellite)