--cpu host
--disk path=<path_to_csr1000v_qcow2>,bus=ide,format=qcow2
--network bridge=virbr0,model=virtio
(Optional) To configure a Bootstrap Day0 configuration, perform the steps described in
Configuration for virt-install, on page 122
After the installation is complete, the CSR VM will be shutdown. You can start the CSR VM using the
virsh start
What to Do Next
Red Hat Enterprise Linux
Setting Host Mode
Due to an
specific to Red Hat Enterprise Linux, when launching the Cisco CSR1000v in a Red Hat
Enterprise Linux environment using
, set the host mode as follows:
In Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6, use:
--cpu host
In Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7, use:
--cpu host-model
Creating the Cisco CSR 1000v VM Using virt-install
Using ISO Image
The following steps are performed on the KVM server.
Download and install the virt-install RPM package on the KVM server.
Download the
image from the Cisco CSR 1000v software installation image package and copy it
onto a local or network device.
Cisco CSR 1000v Series Cloud Services Router Software Configuration Guide
Installing the Cisco CSR 1000v in KVM Environments
Creating the Cisco CSR 1000v VM Using virt-install
Using ISO Image