Many features can be set up quickly by running the built-in Setup
Wizards. After associating with the Cradlepoint CTR-350 Cellular
Travel Router, launch your browser and enter
into the address field of your browser. Enter your password to log
into the Help/Setup Pages. Here you will find the Wizards for
Security and Internet Connection located on the first page of the
“Basic” topic tab.
T h es e Wiz a r d s w ill h elp you :
Set the security level of your network.
Change the Network Name (SSID) broadcast by your
Create your own password.
Configure your CTR for using DSL/Cable Ethernet connec-
M anagi ng Other s on Y our Netw or k
The standard configuration for the Cradlepoint CTR-350 Cellular
Travel Router is to allow up to 16 other users to associate with and
use your wireless network. You can allow and deny others’ access
to your network as you see fit in the Advanced->MAC Address
Filter section of the Setup Pages.
Changing your security to use WEP or WPA keys will prevent oth-
ers from associating with your network. If you would like others
to associate with your network you will need to either share your
WEP or WPA key or change your security level.
After users have associated with your network, they are still
required to enter the CTR password to surf the Internet using your
network. You can set the User password in the Tools->Admin sec-
tion of the Setup pages.
G et t in g On lin e Wit h You r N ew Wir eles s N et w or k
Associate with your new wireless network by selecting the CTR’s
SSID from the usual list of wireless networks on your computer. The
default SSID can be found on the bottom of the CTR.
Open a web browser.
Note: if you are not directed to enter your password on a login
screen type into the address bar of your
Enter your password. By default this is the last 6 characters of the
MAC Address found on the bottom of the CTR.
You may now enter your desired URL into the browsers address bar.
For example: www.google.com or select your homepage.
If for any reason you cannot remember your password once you have
costomized it, you can bring the unit back to its Factory Default con-
dition by executing a FACTORY RESET described in section 7, the user
manual online, or the Help/Setup Pages.
When you first set up the unit, you are requested to enter a pass-
word to gain access to the Cradlepoint CTR-350 Cellular Travel
Router. This verifies that you are the owner of the unit, and also
prevents someone you don’t know from finding your SSID and
using your data plan.
You may increase the level of security by using WEP or WPA,
which are encryption methods offered under 802.11 wireless. The
easiest way to set this up is by running the Security Setup Wizard.
For more complete instructions on security, refer to the User’s
Manual online at www.cradlepoint.com.
F a c t or y Res et
Unplug the CTR-350.
Press and hold the Reset button on the side of the unit.
Re-plug the unit.
Continue holding the Reset button until the LEDs flash ON,
OFF, then ON again.
Us in g You r C ellu la r P h on e
Using your phone’s data cable, connect your cellular phone to the
CTR’s USB port at the front of the CTR. Be sure your phone is
ON. With most phones, a connection will automatically be nego-
tiated and the USB LED on the CTR will show solid green when
your wireless network is ready. In some cases you may need to
change your phone settings to allow your phone to act as a
modem. Consult your phone manual or service provider for
To access the Internet, see Section 5.
Us in g You r C ellu la r USB M od em
Connect your USB modem to the CTR’s USB port located at the
front of the CTR. Provided that your USB modem is fully setup
according to its associated service provider, the CTR will direct
the modem to make a connection. Once the connection is suc-
cessfully negotiated the USB LED will show green to indicate your
wireless network is ready.
To access the Internet, see Section 5.
Us in g a DSL or C a ble Et h er n et C on n ec t ion
Connect your Ethernet cable to the WAN port located at the back
of the CTR. If you are using this option to create a wireless net-
work you should not connect any device to the CTR’s USB port.
Allow the WAN light to show green. Select the Network Name
(‘SSID’ on the bottom of the CTR) from your usual list of wireless
networks on your computer. Open a browser and enter into the address bar. Login using the last 6
digits of the CTR’s MAC address found on the bottom of the unit.
Select the [Launch Internet Connection Setup Wizard] button
on the main Help page. You will be provided the option to enter
a new password and time zone. (This is not required to set up
your internet connection via the Ethernet. If you prefer, you can
skip these steps now and return to them later.) At Step 3, select
the DSL/Cable option and select Next. Select ‘DHCP Connection’
at Step 4 and select Next. You may skip the Dynamic IP option
for now by selecting Next. Your configuration is now complete,
select [Connect] and [Reboot Device] to load your changes to the
CTR. When your CTR has finished its reboot sequence you are
ready for Section 5.
The Internet
Setting Security
Getting Connected
All settings on the CTR-350 will revert to their default state after
a factory reset has been completed. The network name (SSID)
will return to the SSID located on the lable on bottom of the unit.
The login password will again be the last 6 characters of the MAC
Address located on the label on the bottom of the unit.
Setup Wizards