User menu and unit confi guration
g0300122EN rel. 1.0 - 01.12.2021
ill cycles in
M mode after drain to dilute cycles and high level/foam (Installer
After a drain to dilute cycle or high level/foam, the fi ll valve is opened to replenish water up to the maximum level of the fl oat.
The addition of fresh water aff ects steam production, as it decreases the average water temperature inside the boiler: to reduce
the negative impact of fresh water on steam production, the user can activate PWM mode for the fi ll cycles after drain to dilute
cycles and due to high level/foam.
PWM mode for fi ll cycles works as follows:
1. the mass of fresh water needed to replenish the water level is divided into smaller amounts of fresh water;
2. by keeping the partial fi ll cycles as far apart as possible, each small amount of fresh water has more time to heat up before
more fresh water is fi lled. This reduces the negative impact of the fresh water on steam production.
The duration of each fi ll cycle can be defi ned in seconds:
Part fi ll cycles
Enable part fi ll cycles.
Set the part fi ll duration.
Default: part fi ll cycles: enabled fi ll duration: 5 seconds
Possible settings 1-199 seconds
Tab. 12.q
12.4.3 Total drain due to inactivity (Installer menu)
For reasons of hygiene, it is recommended to empty the boiler so as to prevent water from stagnating inside when there is no
humidifi cation request for an extended period. The user can set the automatic total drain due to inactivity time in hours:
Drain due to inactivity
Enable drain due to inactivity; set the hours of inactivity without production request that must expire
before draining
Default: drain due to inactivity: enabled; hour threshold: 72 hours
Possible settings: 1 to 999 hours.
Remarks: gaSteam must remain on in order to empty the boiler. The display shows “DRAIN TO DILUTE”
during the drain due to inactivity cycle.
Tab. 12.r
Automatic total drain due to inactivity cycle is enabled by default and the maximum inactivity time is three days (72 hours). The
boiler will be automatically emptied when gaSteam remains on for at least three days without humidifi cation request.
eriodical drain (Installer menu)
If the feedwater is turbid or has a high mineral content, the boiler can be periodically drained in order to clean and dilute the
water as much as possible. For this operation to be eff ective, it is recommended to carry it out at least once every two-three days.
The user can set the automatic periodical total drain cycle as follows:
Periodical drain
Enable periodical drain;
Set the time between one periodical drain cycle and the next (in hours);
Default: periodical drain: disabled; hour threshold: 10 hours
Possible settings: 0 to 999 hours.
Remarks: gaSteam must remain on in order to empty the boiler. The display shows “PERIODICAL DRAIN”
during the periodical drain cycle.
Tab. 12.s
Periodical drain is disabled by default. The periodical drain hour counter considers the eff ective production time.
12.4.5 Unit status signal or maintenance pre-alert (Installer menu)
The humidifi er controller features two relay contacts for remote notifi cation of the maintenance pre-alert or unit status (produc-
tion). The terminals for these functions are 13U, 14U and 7O, 8O, 9O.
Signal M5 (13U, 14U)
Set alarm type on output relay M5 Default: maintenance pre-alert
Signal M6 (7O, 8O, 9O)
Set alarm type on relay output M6 Default: alarm (general)
Tab. 12.t