Steam distribution
g0300122EN rel. 1.0 - 01.12.2021
ondensate drain pipe
During operation of the humidifi er, part of the steam may condense, causing a decline in effi
ciency and noise (gurgling). To drain
the condensate, connect to the distributor (Fig. 8.g) drain spigot (Fig. 8.f ) a drain pipe with a trap and a minimum slope of 5°. The
condensate drain pipe must be connected to the drain water pipe.
Condensate drain pipe
Diameter mm (in)
ø 10 (3/8)
ø 7 (1/4)
CHOSE00516 (UL version)
ø 7.9 (5/16)
CHOSE0038 (UL version)
ø 9.5 (3/8)
Tab. 8.k
the condensate drain trap must be fi lled with water prior to turning on the humidifi er.
Below are some requirements and installation examples of the steam hoses and condensate drain pipes:
• instructions provided in this chapter, the steam outlet hoses are aimed upwards and the distributor has an upwards slope of
at least 2°;
• any curves in the pipes or hoses are suffi
ciently wide (radius > 500 mm - 20 in) so as to not cause bending or choking;
• the paths of the steam hose and condensate pipe comply with the instructions provided in this chapter;
• the slope of the steam hose is suffi
cient to allow correct condensate drainage (> 5° for downward sections);
• the slope of the condensate drain pipe is at least 5° at every point;
• the condensate drain pipe is fi tted with a drain trap (fi lled with water before starting) to prevent steam from escaping;
• do not use a condensate drain pipe with a smaller cross-section than the diameter suggested in the manual;
• the drain trap must be positioned under the steam distributor. The minimum distance from the distributor to the highest
point of the drain trap must be at least 300mm (11.81in).
>/= 2°
Ø > 200mm
R > 500 mm
H ≤ 300 mm
H ≤ 300 mm
Ø > 200mm
R > 500 mm
H ≤ 300 mm
>/= 2°
H ≤ 300 mm
Fig. 8.i
Fig. 8.j
Fig. 8.k