Transport and handling
g0300122EN rel. 1.0 - 01.12.2021
5.3 Table of residual risks and
E for handling operators
PPE required:
• Protective
• Non-slip safety footwear
• Safety hard hat
• Instruction
Residual risk
Procedure to be adopted
Risk of cutting or abrasion due to sharp edges or surfaces.
Wear gloves to protect against physical agents and a hard hat
before entering the work area.
Risk of slipping, tripping or falling due to slippery surfaces in the
installation area.
Wear non-slip shoes.
Risk of tripping and falling due to insuffi
cient lighting.
The humidifi er must be installed in an environment with medium
intensity lighting, in compliance with the regulations in force in
the country where the humidifi er is installed.
Crushing risk due to suspended loads.
Display the pictogram prohibiting parking and transit in areas
where there are suspended loads.
Crushing risk due to loss of stability during handling.
Strictly follow the instructions described in this manual and on the
labels affi
xed to the humidifi er.
Tab. 5.a
DANGER: the mass and dimensions of the humidifi er do not allow for manual handling under any conditions.
WARNING: the safety manager is responsible for assessing the need to equip handling operators with additional
personal protective equipment in accordance with the environmental conditions where the operations are performed.