SmartSwitch ATM Switch Reference Manual 2-13
Console Commands
Use AtmFilterSet to manage an ATM filter set. An ATM filter set consists of one or more ATM filters. Each ATM
filter set is assigned to a pair of ports, having one incoming port and one outgoing port (alternately, you can assign a
filter set to all incoming or outgoing ports).
add, delete, modify, show
In the Output Parameter table below, (
) indicates parameters that are available only through the
show atmfilter
(detailed) command or if you specify a specific [FilterSetName]. In both cases, you get information about specific
filters in the filter set.
Input Parameter
Value/Field Size
Name of the filter to insert or
remove from the filter set (used with
modify atmfilterset
Name of the filter set.
Operation to perform on the filter set
(used with
modify atmfilterset
Insert, Remove
No default
Output Parameter
Name of the filter set.
Total admits associated with the filter set.
Total denies associated with the filter set.
Reference count associated with the filter set.
Priority of a filter in the filter set. (Priority is assigned in the order in which
filters are added to the filter set; the first filter added becomes priority 1, the
second priority 2 and so forth. If a filter is removed from the set, each lower
priority filter has its prioiry adjusted upward one position. Filtering is done
in order of priority; the priority 1 filter is used, then priority 2 filter, and so
forth until all filters have been used.)
Type of a filter in the filter set.