X3, mains connection
Important notes
Lethal electric shock by live parts with more
than 50 V!
Exclusively operate the device
with plugged on connectors (even if there haven't been any lines con‐
nected to the connectors) and
with connected equipment grounding conductor!
Notes on installation
The equipment grounding conductor is connected directly to the device
and not via the connection point X3 (see
ment Grounding Conductor" on page 127
Measure the necessary cross section of the connection cables accord‐
ing to the determined phase current I
and the mains fuse.
Single-phase mains connection (outer conductor and neutral conductor):
Connection to X3 can be made via L1, L2 or L3.
Risk of damage to the device!
Provide strain relief for the terminal connectors of the device in the control
Bosch Rexroth AG
Rexroth IndraDrive CsDrive Systems with HCS01
Mounting and installation