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5. Send 20 mA to the test set-up.
6. Increase the potentiometer value until the loop current reaches 19.95 mA.
7. Read the voltage across the potentiometer, which should be > 9 VDC. This is the
available system voltage at the maximum output.
Table 17 lists some compliance voltage readings at positioner terminals at several currents.
Table 17: Expected Voltage Range at Positioner Terminals
Compliance Voltage
Requirement at
Positioner Terminals
Expected Voltage Measured at
Positioner Terminals
4 mA
11 V
10 to 11 V
8 mA
10.5 V
9.5 to 10.5 V
12 mA
10 V
9 to 10 V
16 mA
9.5 V
8.5 to 9.5 V
20 mA
9 V
8 to 9 V