Resource Manager User's Guide
How it works - Page 5
Resource Manager User's Guide
Welcome to the Resource Manager User's Guide. This user's guide provides
the administrator with powerful tools for maintaining and updating the
Multimedia Module. It furnishes the information required to enable users to
utilize the various communications functions resident in the iContact desktop
communications terminal including Telephone, e-mail, chat and Web contact
How it works
A business can be organized into multiple divisions. Some divisions may focus
primarily on administrative functions like purchasing or billing. Others may be
responsible for managing internal assets like IT, while another department or
division may be involved in the creation or manufacturing of the company’s
products and services. And other groups may interface with the company’s
customer base as in sales or customer service. The Resource Manager enables
each of these groups to automate the management of their internal and external
interactions according to predefined rules for contact handling. Some groups
may only be assigned to handle e-mail contacts, while others may be tasked
with web contact, e-mail, chat, and telephone responsibilities, based on their job
functions and skill sets. Within groups, users can be assigned different priorities
for contact handling. Furthermore, users can be defined as to how they receive
contacts, whether they can preview before responding and whether they can
select contacts at their discretion.
How does it work? Resource Manager consists of several components that
enable you to add queues, define interaction results, define media priority,
assign human resources to those queues and assign properties to users, all
from a single, unified console
There are two ways to view the Resource Manager interface: in the standard
Windows view and in the Windows browser view. The two may be viewed
together or each one separately. Either one gives you flexibility to view different
items or jump back and forth between different tasks.
In setting up the Resource Manager for the first time, you would begin by
defining your Multimedia Queues from the list of media types supported by the
system. Typically, a company might have different phone numbers for general
inquiries, sales and tech support. In addition, they could have 2 e-mail
addresses, one for sales and one for tech support. Each of these would have its
own media queue in Resource Manager. After creating these media accesses,
the company would need to assign staff to handle responses to all of them.
These assignments would be based on workgroup assignments A group, like
Order Entry, could be assigned to handle telephone and e-mail inquiries related
to sales. The company’s service technicians could be mapped to both e-mail
and telephone support queues.
For each media type, Interaction Result codes would be designated to track the
outcome of each contact transaction. A technician could then assign a Problem
Resolved or Escalated result before completing the contact. And if follow-up is
required, the staff could reschedule another contact with a customer.
MultiMedia Module Administrator's Manual
Resource Manager User's Guide - Page 5
40DHB0002USEB – Issue 1a (05/29/2003)
How it works