: Test Clock. JTAG operation is synchronous to TCK.
: Test Data In. Serial input data to be shifted in to the Instruction Register or Data Register
(Scan Chains).
: Test Data Out. Serial output data from Instruction Register or Data Register (Scan
The IEEE std. 1149.1 also specifies an optional TAP signal; TRST – Test ReSeT – which is not
When the JTAGEN fuse is unprogrammed, these four TAP pins are normal port pins and the
TAP controller is in reset. When programmed and the JTD bit in MCUCR is cleared, the TAP
input signals are internally pulled high and the JTAG is enabled for Boundary-scan and program-
ming. In this case, the TAP output pin (TDO) is left floating in states where the JTAG TAP
controller is not shifting data, and must therefore be connected to a pull-up resistor or other
hardware having pull-ups (for instance the TDI-input of the next device in the scan chain). The
device is shipped with this fuse programmed.
For the On-chip Debug system, in addition to the JTAG interface pins, the RESET pin is moni-
tored by the debugger to be able to detect external reset sources. The debugger can also pull
the RESET pin low to reset the whole system, assuming only open collectors on the reset line
are used in the application.