ATS Manager’s Guide
Active zones
when arming/disarming, 14
Adding a user to the system, 37
Advisor MASTER menus
accessing, 20
door and floor groups, 48
enable/disable service technician, 47
film counters, 31
history, 25
holidays, 51
inhibit zone, 33
inhibit/uninhibit RAS/DGP, 46
open door, 52
panel status, 22
print history, 54
program users, 37
reset cameras, 48
scrolling the list of menus, 21
service menu, 29
start auto arm test, 36
test report, 27
test zone, 35
time and date, 44
time out facility, 20
unauthorised access, 20
unlock, lock, disable and enable doors, 52
using PIN codes, 20
zone alarm, 24
zone text, 32
zones active, 23
Alarm events, 25
Alarm groups
description, 6
issues when programming users, 37, 42
description, 15
disarming a zone in alarm, 17
listing alarm history, 19
listing history of events, 25
listing past alarm events, 19
listing zones, 22, 24
tamper alarm, 17
unable to reset, 18, 46
valid PIN code, 18
what to do when there is an alarm, 16
when to contact the central station company, 18
Arm test, 27
Arming the system
active zones, 14
cannot arm system, 10
preset time to leave, 10
procedure, 10
when to arm, 10
film frame number, 31
frame count, 31
resetting cameras, 48
resetting film frame count, 48
resetting individual cameras, 48
Changing a user in the system, 39
Creating a user, 37, 39
Data gathering panels
inhibiting, 46
programming, 44
Deleting a user from the system, 37, 38
inhibiting, 46
Disarm test, 27
starting auto arm test, 36
Disarming the system
active zones, 14
cannot disarm, 12
when to disarm, 12
Display text describing zones, 32
Door codes
opening doors, 9
Door groups
description, 7
selecting and programming, 48
disabling via the arming station, 52
enabling via the arming station, 52
locking via the arming station, 52
opening using PIN code, 9
opening via the arming station, 52
unlocking via the arming station, 52
activating, 8
description, 8
resetting, 8
Film counters
displaying film frame number, 31
Floor groups
description, 7
selecting and programming, 48
recording, 51
Latching system alarms, 16
LCD display
description of message display, 5
area LED’s, 5
blinking quickly, 5
blinking slowly, 5
on/off, 5
system alarm lights, 6
system faults, 6
what the LED’s mean, 5
Local alarms
acknowledging, 17
decription, 15
resetting, 16
Log only events, 25
LCD display, 5
Non-latching system alarms, 16
Opening doors
problems when using PIN code, 9
time limit, 9
using PIN code, 9
Overview of the Advisor MASTER system, 3
Panel status
listing active zones, 23
listing zone status, 22
procedure, 22
status codes, 22
PIN codes
description, 6
restrictions when using, 7
using, 7
Programming record sheets, 55
Intelligent Security & Fire Ltd.