Basic Management Tasks
Instruction Manual - NXA-ENET8-POE+
Resetting the System
Use the System > Reset menu to restart the switch immediately, at a specified time, after a specified delay, or at a periodic interval.
Command Usage
This command resets the entire system.
When the system is restarted, it will always run the Power-On Self-Test. It will also retain all configuration information
stored in non-volatile memory. (See the
Saving the Running Configuration to a Local File
section on page 43 for more
The following table displays the options on this page:
System - Time Options
System Reload Information
Reload Settings
Displays information on the next scheduled reload and selected reload mode as shown in the
following example:
"The switch will be rebooted at March 9 12:00:00 2012. Remaining Time: 0 days, 2 hours, 46
minutes, 5 seconds. Reloading switch regularly time: 12:00 everyday."
Refreshes reload information. Changes made through the console or to system time may need to
be refreshed to display the current settings.
Cancels the current settings shown in this field.
System Reload Configuration
Reset Mode
Restarts the switch immediately or at the specified time(s).
• Immediately - Restarts the system immediately.
• In - Specifies an interval after which to reload the switch. (The specified time must be equal to
or less than 24 days.)
hours - The number of hours, combined with the minutes, before the switch resets.
(Range: 0-576)
minutes - The number of minutes, combined with the hours, before the switch resets.
(Range: 0-59)
• At - Specifies a time at which to reload the switch.
DD - The day of the month at which to reload. (Range: 01-31)
MM - The month at which to reload. (Range: 01-12)
YYYY - The year at which to reload. (Range: 1970-2037)
HH - The hour at which to reload. (Range: 00-23)
MM - The minute at which to reload. (Range: 00-59)
• Regularly - Specifies a periodic interval at which to reload the switch.
HH - The hour at which to reload. (Range: 00-23)
MM - The minute at which to reload. (Range: 00-59)
Daily - Every day.
Weekly - Day of the week at which to reload. (Range: Sunday...Saturday)
Monthly - Day of the month at which to reload. (Range: 1-31)