FS3 Frame Synchronizer/Converter v1.1r1 73 www.aja.com
NOTE: The FS3 you control may be running a different software version, so screens may
look different. It’s a good idea to have all your devices running the most current
software and the same version. Also, if the Default Gateway (parameter 2.4) is not
configured properly, other AJA devices will not be visible. If the display shows no
devices found, check the gateway setting.
Resetting Values To Factory Default Settings
FS3 web browser screens feature many user controls that can be reset to factory
default values by simply “right-clicking” on the parameter label. When you right-
click, the browser displays a Reset to Factory popup that if clicked will cause the
parameter to be reset.
NOTE: This reset procedure only works with computers that allow right-clicking. Some
computers may not permit this operation.
You can perform a global reset to factory values of all System, Video, Audio, and
most Config parameters (the same set of parameters acted on by a Preset Recall).
To perform a global reset:
1. Go to the Presets screen.
2. Click on the Recall button in the Factory Preset row.
User preferences, network settings, and existing Presets are not affected by
recalling the Factory Preset.
Drop Down Parameter Operation
Most parameters available on the browser are selected from a drop-down list.
The currently active parameter is displayed. Click on the down arrow symbol next
to the parameter to display the list and select an alternative value. The FS3 will
immediately operate with the new setting.
Slider Operation
Some screens contain slider controls for setting values. To set a value, you can
click on a slider to select it and then use the mouse to drag the slider to the
position you desire. For fine tuning, while the slider is selected (highlighted by
a blue border), use the keyboard left and right arrow keys to change the value
one unit at a time. Or you can enter the value directly by clicking on the number
displayed above the slider, type in your number then hit Enter to have it take
effect. After setting a slider’s position, click on the page’s background area (blue
highlight turns off) to ensure the change is confirmed and saved.
Some parameters, when activated, open sub-menus. The sub-menus are a lighter
gray color and have a collapse/expand button on the parent selection. This
lets you collapse the sub-menus to make it easier to configure the system. The
collapsed setting only stays in effect until the user reconnects or refreshes the