FS3 Frame Synchronizer/Converter v1.1r1 33 www.aja.com
Chapter 4 – Display Menus
The FS3 can be controlled in two different ways: (1) direct control using the front
panel buttons, knobs, and display menus, (2) remote control using a web browser.
This chapter describes the first, using the front panel controls, which is the most
direct way to configure and use an FS3. The other method, using a computer, is
described in the next chapter.
Parameter Menus
The FS3 display presents five major types of menu pages:
• Status pages—present status information that cannot be changed.
• Simple parameter menus—contain a parameter number and name on line 1
and its current value setting on line 2. The line 2 value can be changed using
SELECT and ADJUST. Example: Output Format.
• “Take action” parameter menus—contain a parameter number and name
on line 1, and the value to “take” on line 2. A “take” prompt may appear on
line 3. The line 2 value can be changed using SELECT and ADJUST, and the
take or switch to the new value occurs when you press ADJUST momentarily.
Examples: Preset Save/Recall.
• Multiple field parameter menus—contain a parameter number and name
on line 1 and its current value setting on line 2, consisting of multiple letter
or number fields that must each be set individually. The line 2 fields can be
changed using SELECT and ADJUST. Example: IP Address.
• Hidden parameter menus—a “parent” menu exists that, when that parent
parameter is turned on, can display “child” menus of related parameters.
When the Hidden Menus parameter is set to Hide Inactive, these child menus
are hidden when the parent parameter is off. Some menu names contain a
decimal (dot) number and zero, which indicates there are a group of related
parameters. Example: 12.0 ProcAmp is the parent menu of the 12.1 through
12.4 child menus.
Menu Operation Examples
Status Pages
These steps explain how to navigate the STATUS menus.
1. Press the STATUS Menu Group button.
2. Turn the SELECT knob clockwise and counter-clockwise to display the
Status pages. The display scrolls through the pages as you turn the knob.
The Status displays simply show the status of important FS3 operational