R3132 Series Spectrum Analyzer Operation Manual
5.2.19 Gain Compression
20. Remove the RF cable from the input terminal of R3132 series, connect power
sensor there.
21. On the power meter, set the correction frequency to 200 MHz.
22. Record the level of the power meter reading on the performance verification
record sheet.
Following steps are applied for R3162/72/82
Setting the measurement conditions (Frequency 3.6 GHz)
23. Connect the signal generators as shown Figure 5-19.
24. Set both of signal generators controls as follows:
Signal Generator (SMP02)
3601 MHz
Output Level:
-12 dBm
Signal Generator (SMP04)
3600 MHz
Output Level:
-14 dBm
25. On the R3162/72/82, after preset, set controls as follows:
Center Frequency:
3600.5 MHz
2 MHz
Input Attenuator
0 dB
Reference Level:
-10 dBm
10 dB/div
26. On the R3162/72/82, press as follows to tune preselector peak.
PK SRCH, FREQ, 1/2_more, Presel, Auto Tune
27. On the R3162/72/82, set controls as follows:
Reference Level:
-30 dBm
1 dB/div
Measuring the gain compression (Frequency 3.6 GHz)
28. On the signal generator (SMP02), turn output level off.
29. On the signal generator (SMP04), adjust the output level for a displayed signal of
-30 dBm
0.1 dB on the R3162/72/82 screen
30. On the signal generator (SMP02), turn output level on.