Relay Outputs & Power Line Carrier
(X-10) Devices
This section provides the following information:
• Output Device Basics
• Wiring the 4204 relay module
• Wiring the 4300 transformer
Output Device
Relays and Powerline Carrier devices (i.e., X-10 brand devices) are programmable
switches that can be used to perform many different functions. They can be used
to turn lights on and off, control sounders, or for status indications. In this
system, each device must be programmed as to how to act (ACTION), when to
activate (START), and when to deactivate (STOP). Each of these is described in
#93 Relay Programming mode
The system supports a total of 32 relays (provided by 4204 Relay modules) and/or
Powerline Carrier devices. Each 4204 module provides 4 relays with Form C
(normally open and normally closed) contacts.
Powerline Carrier devices are controlled by signals sent through the electrical
wiring at the premises via a 4300 (110V) or XF10 (220V) transformer. Therefore,
if using Powerline Carrier devices, a 4300 or XF10 transformer must be used in
the markets using these devices in place of the regular system transformer.
This section is used to program
output devices to activate in response to a
programmed condition. The system can also be programmed to activate these
devices at specific times by using the #80 Scheduling Menu Mode–
Time Driven
Wiring the 4204
Relay Module
Set the 4204 DIP switches for a device address between 01-15 that is not being
used by another device (keypads, RF receivers, etc.). If using more than one
module, each module must be set to a different address.
The relay module will not operate until the device address you have chosen is
enabled in the control's Device Programming mode.
Connect the 4204 module(s) to the control's keypad terminals (6, 7, 8, and 9).
Use the flying lead cable supplied with the relay module when mounting it in
the control's cabinet. Use standard 4-conductor twisted cable when mounting
the 4204 outside the cabinet.
Directly wire each 4204 back to the panel. The maximum wire run length
from the panel to the 4204 must not exceed: