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Programming Open/Close Schedules
Each partition can be assigned one daily open/close schedule, plus a holiday
open/close schedule. Temporary schedules are programmed separately, using
the #81 Temporary Schedule Menu Mode. To programme additional
open/close schedules, see the Time Driven Events section.
After entering Scheduling Menu Mode, press 0 until the O/C Schedules
prompt appears.
O/C Schedules ?
1 Yes 0 = No 0
Enter 1 to programme opening and closing schedules.
Partition # ?
01-08, 00 = Quit 01
Enter the appropriate partition number to which the
following open/close schedules will apply.
Enter 00 then * at the "PARTITION #" prompt to quit
O/C Schedules programming and display the Quit ?
Enter 0 at the Quit ? prompt to
return to the main menu choices
and continue programming.
Enter 1 to quit Scheduling Menu
Quit ?
1 = YES 0 = NO 0
Mon P1 OP WIND.?
00:00 00:00 00
For each day in which an opening or closing schedule
is desired, beginning with Monday, enter a time
window number (01-20) for the displayed day's
opening schedule. Enter 00 if no schedule is desired
for a particular day. As the number is keyed in, the
actual time that has been stored for that window will
be displayed as a programming aid. Press the * key to
accept the entry.
Mon P1 CL WIND.?
00:00 00:00 00
Enter the time window number for the displayed day's
closing schedule. As the number is keyed in, the
actual time that has been stored for the window will
be displayed. Press the * key to accept the entry.
Tue P1 OP
00:00 00:00 00
The keypad will now prompt for Tuesday's open/close
schedule, etc. Follow the procedure for Mondays
prompts. When the last day of the week has been
programmed, the holiday opening and closing window
prompts are displayed.
Hol P1 OP WIND.?
00:00 00:00 00
Enter the holiday opening time window number.
Press the * key to accept the entry.
Hol P1 CL WIND.?
00:00 00:00 00
Enter the holiday closing time window number. Press
the * key to accept the entry.
When the entries are completed, the PARTITION #
prompt is displayed again. Repeat this procedure for
each partition in the system.
When all partitions have been programmed, enter 00 at the PARTITION #
prompt to quit open/close schedules.