3. Set each keypad to an individual address (00-30) according to the keypad's instructions.
Set one alpha keypad for address "00" and other keypads for higher addresses (01, 02,
and 03 are enabled in the system's default programme). Any keypads set for address 04
and above will appear blank until they are enabled in the system's programme.
Keypads set to the non-addressable mode (address 31) may interfere with other
keypads (as well as other devices) connected to the keypad terminals.
4. After addresses are set, the green “READY” LED should light, and the words
DISARMED...READY TO ARM should be displayed on keypads set to addresses 00, 01,
02, and 03.
If the “Ready” display does not appear on any of the keypads in the system (in either of
the partitions), or a “Not Ready” message is displayed, check the keypad wiring
connections, and make sure each of the 8 basic wired zones has a 2000-ohm resistor
connected across its terminals.
5. When the proper “Ready” message is displayed on the keypad(s) addressed at
00, 01, 02, and 03 the system is functioning properly at this point.
Do not remove the EOL resistors until you are ready to make connections to
the wired zones, to allow for testing later in the manual.
If an OPEN CIRCUIT is present on the keypad, data from the control is not reaching the
keypad. Please check your wiring.