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ENTRY DELAY #1 (partition-specific)
[02] |
01-15 times 15 seconds
00 = no delay
Entry delay defines the delay time which allows users to reenter the
premises through a door that has been programmed as an entry delay
door (zone type 01)and disarm the system without sounding an alarm.
The system must be disarmed within this period or an alarm will occur.
Maximum delay of 225 seconds (entry 15 times 15 seconds).
EXIT DELAY #1 (partition-specific)
[03] |
01-15 times 15 seconds
00 = no delay
Exit delay defines the delay period that allows users to leave the
premises through a door that has been programmed as an entry/exit
delay door(zone type 01) after arming the system without setting off the
alarm. ), up to a maximum delay of 225 seconds.
ENTRY DELAY #2 (partition-specific)
[06] |
Entry Delay 2 is used for the zone assigned to Entry Delay #2 zone type.
Note that this delay must be longer than Entry Delay #1.
EXIT DELAY #2 (partition-specific)
[08] |
Exit delay 2 is used for the zone assigned to Exit Delay #2. Note that this
delay must be longer than Exit Delay #1.
SOUNDER TIMEOUT (partition-specific)
[02] |
01-15 minutes
Defines the length of time an external sounder and the keypad's sounder
will sound for all audible alarms. This duration can be overridden by the
Fire Timeout Disable option (field *21) for fire alarms.
1 = fast response mode (10msec) for appropriate devices wired to zone 9
0 = normal response, 350msec
1-8 = partition in which the zone 7 keyswitch is being used
0 = zone 7 keyswitch not used
Requires the use of zone 7 wired loop (zone 7 no longer available as
protection zone when used for keyswitch operation). If the keyswitch is
used, the fire and panic alarm voltage triggers automatically become
ARMING and READY status outputs for support of the Keyswitch LEDs.
: Zone type 10 is automatically assigned to zone 7 if a keyswitch is
used. Reports openings/closing by user "0" if reporting is enabled in field
CONFIRMATION OF ARMING DING (partition-specific)
1/2 second external alarm sounding ("ding") at the end of exit delay
(or after kissoff from the central station, if sending closing reports.)
0 = no arming ding
1 = enable sounding at the keypad (rapid beeping) when AC power is
lost (sounding occurs about 2 minutes after actual AC loss)
0 = no AC power loss keypad sounding
1 = Yes, display AC presence (AC) in lower right corner of keypad display
0 = No