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1. Alarm and trouble responses and reports are only disabled during EEROM
update during on-line time. Should an event occur during this time, the
response will take place and the report will go through as soon as the remote
access sequence is completed. Alarm and trouble conditions are not ignored,
they are simply delayed. At other times during the on-line session, the control
will signal the PC that an alarm has occurred and will break off the session to
transmit alarms.
2. The keypads are inactive during downloading communication, and resume
normal functions after hang up. All keypad entries are ignored during on-line
On-Line Control
The following functions can be performed while on-line with a control panel:
• Arm the System in the Away Mode; Disarm the System (if field *38 Armed
Restriction is not programmed)
• Bypass a Zone
• Force the System to Accept a New Programme Download
• Shut Down Communication (dialler) Functions (non-payment of
monitoring fees in an owned system)
• Shut Down all Security System Functions (non-payment for a leased
• Inhibit Local Keypad Programming (prevents takeover of your accounts)
• Leave a message for customer
• Command the System to Upload a Copy of its Resident Programme to the
• Read: Arming Status, AC Mains Status, List of Faulted Zones, List of
Bypassed Zones, 224 Event Log, List of Zones Currently in Alarm, List of
Zones Currently in Trouble
• Set the Real-Time clock.
• Initiate a test report from the control.
• Command relays/triggers to activate and de-activate.
Access Security
Accessing the Control from a remote location is protected against compromise
by the use of 4 levels of protection:
Security Code Handshake: The subscriber's account number as well as an
8-digit ID number (known only to the office) must be matched between
the Control and computer.
Hang-Up and Call-Back: The Control panel will "hang-up" and call the
computer back at the pre-programmed number only if the security codes
Data Encryption: All data that is exchanged between the computer and
Control is encrypted to reduce the possibility of anyone "tapping" the line
and corrupting data. Additionally, all account files are encrypted to
prevent them from being opened on another installer's VLink®
downloading software package.
Operator Access Levels: Up to 15 operators can have access to the
DOWNLOADER, each having their own log-on code. However, each
operator can be assigned one of three levels of access in both FILE and
COMMAND functions, as follows:
Read Only: able only to look at the database; cannot change any
information, and cannot see the customer's access codes.
Part Read/Write: able to look at and change all information. except the
customer's access codes.
Full Read/Write: able to look at and change any and all information in
the database.