Manual Power Quality Filter PQFM
The PQF-Manager user interface 125
is a mismatch between the selection of filter connection type (3 or 4-wire) and the actual
cable connection to the PQFS (neutral cable not connected or otherwise) the filter may
refuse to start. Following a choice is made by the user; the filter makes a “reset” of the
The PQFS filter may be connected in 3-wire mode (only phases connected) or in 4-wire
mode (both phases and the neutral connected). Also the filter may consist of up to 4
parallel hardware units (8 for the PQFI and PQFM range) of the same rating. For PQFI &
PQFM filters, unequal ratings are also allowed, please refer to the respective filter’s
detailed manual. The filter connection mode must be adapted in software to the on-site
configuration. In addition, when the filter configuration is changed on site (e.g. going
from one connection mode to another); the filter setup has to be adapted accordingly.
WARNING: Setting up a wrong filter configuration (possible in case of PQFS range) may
lead to filter malfunction. This should only be done by experienced commissioning
When entering the ‘Filter characteristics’ window, first the connection mode has to be
3-W: choose this mode when only the phases are connected. In this case, the filter
can filter harmonics that are flowing between phases and make phase to phase
balancing but cannot filter harmonics in the neutral nor make line to neutral
4-W: choose this mode when both the phases and the neutral are connected. In
this case, the filter can filter harmonics between phases as well as harmonics in
the neutral, and can perform balancing of loads connected between phases as
well as connected phase to neutral.
Further note that:
WARNING: All hardware units in a master-slave filter arrangement must have the same
rating in PQFS range. Combining hardware units of different ratings in the same filter
panel will lead to hardware failure and/or inability for the filter to start up.
In the same screen, the user needs to enter the rating of each filter units connected
together. For PQFS range, the unit rating needs to be identical whereas for PQFM and
PQFI range, unequal rated filter units can operate together as well.
The filter needs to be stopped before the unit ratings menu can be accessed.
Attempting to access the menu while the filter is running will result in a fault
message being displayed.