Manual Power Quality Filter PQFM
Hardware description 23
Table 9: Filter conditions that can be related to the digital outputs
PQF-Manager setting for digital
Output relay closes when…
Auxil. ON
The auxiliary power is present in the main filter
enclosure and the main controller is communicating
with the PQF-Manager
PQF running
The active filter is ‘on’ (IGBTs switching) or in
‘standby’ (main contactor closed but IGBTs not
Full load
The active filter is running under full load condition
The filter is ON or is in the startup procedure, or it is
stopped in fault condition but will restart as soon as
the fault has disappeared
T limit
The filter temperature limit has been reached and
the filter is derating itself to run at a safe
In standby
The filter is in standby
Activ. Main
The main active filter settings are activated
Activ. Aux
The auxiliary active filter settings are activated
Unit miss.
One of the filter units in a multi-unit arrangement is
not available (e.g. due to a permanent error), or has
not yet been commissioned.
Pg. alarm 1
The programmable alarm 1 is activated
Pg. alarm 2
The programmable alarm 2 is activated
Pg. alarm 3
The programmable alarm 3 is activated
Warning 1
The programmable warning 1 is activated
Warning 2
The programmable warning 2 is activated
Warning 3
The programmable warning 3 is activated
: In order to set up this function, navigate to [/Welcome/Settings/Customer set./Digital Outputs]
: More information on the standby function is given in
: Different programmable warnings and alarms can be defined. More information on this subject is given
Further it should be noted that:
Whenever a digital output is activated the corresponding icon on the PQF-
Manager display will change.
In a master-master filter arrangement, only the master that has the control over
the complete system will activate its digital outputs. For full redundant
functionality, it is recommended to monitor the digital outputs of all the units in
the filter system.
The default set-up for the digital contacts is given in