132 The PQF-Manager user interface
Manual Power Quality Filter PQFM
gives guidelines on how to identify the position of the CTs in case
the automatic CT detection procedure cannot be used or is unsuccessful.
Refer to
Section 6.9
Section 6.10
for more information on the selection and
the installation of the current transformers. Setting up the filter rating parameter
For entering the rating parameter, go to
The permissible ambient conditions for PQF operation are laid out
. If the filter
is installed at locations higher than 1000 m (3300 ft) above sea level, the maximum filter
output current must be derated by 1% every additional 100m (330ft).
Above 40°C (104°F), the maximum output current must be derated by 3.5% every
additional 1°C (1.8°F) up to 50°C (122°F) maximum limit.
The total required derating is the sum of all the deratings taking into account the
installation height and the ambient temperature.
The PQF-Manager rating menu shows the filter nominal rating, which is by default 100%.
The new value to be set when derating is required is 100% - (total required derating %).
After approving the new rating value (
), the filter will reset and the new value will be
taken into account. In practice, this implies that the output current of the unit will be
limited to the filter nominal current times the entered rating factor. E.g. a rating factor
of 50% implies that the maximum RMS filter current is half the nominal filter current.