Manual Power Quality Filter PQFM
The PQF-Manager user interface 141
7.10.1 The ‘Status of module’ menu
This menu shows for each unit of a filter system its status and allows resetting the ‘fault’
status of individual units.
Three possible status indications exist:
Ready: The unit considered does not have a fault and can run normally.
Ack. Fault: The unit considered has been stopped due to an error. By pressing
Ack. Fault, the reason for the fault will be displayed and an attempt will be made
to clear the fault. When doing this, the complete filter system will be shut down.
If the fault could be cleared, the unit status will become ‘Ready’. If the fault could
not be cleared, the unit status will remain ‘Ack. Fault’. In the fault clearing
process, the complete filter system will be shut down. The filter can be restarted
after the fault clearing process has ended.
Not present: The unit considered has been excluded of the normal filter operation
due to either:
The unit is physically not present
The unit is physically present but the control board power is not present
7.10.2 The ‘Filter load’ menu
The filter load menu shows bar graphs expressed in % indicating the filter load with
respect to the nominal rating of the following parameters: