8 Chapter title
Manual Power Quality Filter PQFI
2 Safety Instructions
These safety instructions are intended for all work on the PQFM. Neglecting these
instructions can cause physical injury and death. All electrical installation and
maintenance work on the PQFM should be carried out by qualified electricians. Do not
attempt to work on a powered PQFM.
After switching off the supply to the PQFM, always wait at least 25 minutes before
working on the unit in order to allow the discharge of DC capacitors through the
discharge resistors. Always verify by measurement that the capacitors have discharged.
DC capacitors may be charged to more than 1000 Vdc.
Before manipulating current transformers, make sure that the secondary is short-
circuited. Never open the secondary of a loaded current transformer.
You must always wear isolating gloves and eye-protection when working on electrical
installations. Also make sure that all local safety regulations are fulfilled.
DANGER: To ensure safe access, supplies to each individual enclosure must be isolated
before entry / opening.
WARNING: This equipment contains capacitors that are connected between phase and
earth. A leakage current will flow during normal operation. Therefore, a good earth
connection is essential and must be connected before applying power to the filter.
WARNING: Stored energy in capacitors: this equipment contains capacitors. Check for
residual DC voltage before working inside the equipment.
WARNING: There are AC capacitors & DC capacitors connected inside this filter. Before
performing any maintenance work, please short and ground the three line terminals.
The DC capacitor needs 25 mins to discharge after disconnection. Please wait for this
duration before touching any live parts even after discharging the AC capacitors to
avoid electrical shock.
WARNING: Never discharge DC capacitors through short circuit. Always use a current
limiting resistor of minimum 100
WARNING: If the ground is defeated, certain fault conditions in the unit or in the
system to which it is connected can result in full line voltage between chassis and
earth. Severe injury or death can result if the chassis and earth are touched