Manual Power Quality Filter PQFM
The PQF-Manager user interface 145
Corrupted uC code
Internal system error
Internal uC fault
Internal system error
Ctrl over temperature
The system detected an over temperature of the main
controller board
DSP watchdog
Internal system error
Controller watchdog
Internal system error
SPI Time out
Internal system error
Flash memory corrupted
Internal system error
Power supply fault
Internal system error
Preload time-out
The DC capacitors could not be preloaded in an acceptable
Real time clock problem
Internal system error
Several units same id
Two or more units have the same CAN_ID (settings of the S5
dip switches (1 to 3) on the control board
Different firmwares
Different units in a filter system have different control
firmwares (DSP)
Important Note :
In case of different DSP firmware between master and one or
more slave(s), the newest version will be automatically
downloaded into filters equipped with an older version. A
dedicate PQF Manager menu will guide the user through the
different steps of the software upgrade
For guidelines on how to troubleshoot and solve the reported problems, refer to
Chapter 11
For multi-unit filters, this data can be obtained for each individual unit.
Internal system errors are most likely due to faulty hardware and thus the only
solution may be to exchange the controller cards.
If the message ‘IGBT check cooling’ appears, this implies that the system is
stopped due to an over temperature problem.
In that case, check the cooling of the system (fans, filters) and of the switchgear
room (air conditioning system etc.)
After the problem is solved the system has to be manually reset (fault
acknowledgement) before normal operation can be resumed.
In general the occurrence of transient faults is no problem for the proper
operation of the active filter. Only when an error becomes ‘critical’, a problem may