226 Technical specifications
Manual Power Quality Filter PQFM
For limited redundancy combine master with slave units of
the same rating.
If any slave unit in a master-slave filter system fails, the
other units can keep running.
If the master in a master-slave filter system fails, the
complete system stops running.
Harmonics that can be filtered
20 harmonics individually selectable in the range 2
– 50
harmonic order
Degree of filtering
Programmable per harmonic in absolute terms
Filtering efficiency
Better than 97% of filter rating typically
Response time
< 0.5 ms instantaneous
40 ms typically (10% - 90% filtering)
Reactive power
Power factor programmable from 0.6 (inductive) to 0.6
Load balancing
Line to line balancing (3-W mode)
Setting possibilities
Main and auxiliary settings functionality.
Three possible filter modes that allow to set different
Start and stop settings
Local/remote control functionality.
Filter standby functionality.
Auto restart after power outage functionality.
Digital inputs
2 multipurpose digital inputs on PQF-Manager.
Vlow: 0 Vdc, Vhigh: 15-24 Vdc, driving current: 13 mA@
24Vdc (Rint = 1.88 k
Can be used to implement remote control functionality,
start/stop buttons and switching between main and
auxiliary settings.
Digital outputs
6 multipurpose (NO) digital outputs on PQF-Manager.
Maximum continuous ac rating: 440 Vac/1.5 A
Maximum continuous dc rating: 110 Vdc/0.3 A
Common rating: 9A/terminal, totaling 18 A
Can be used to monitor the filter state (e.g. filter on/off or
specific filter warnings/alarms) and the network state.
Alarm contact
1 universal alarm contact with two complimentary outputs
(NO/NC) on PQF-Manager. Triggered by any fault.
Maximum continuous rating: 250 Vac/1.5 A
Filter losses
Typical values
Maximum values
Network voltage: 208 V
480 V
(Voltage group V1)
Unit rating: 70 A
1.5 kW
2.3 kW
Network voltage: 208 V
480 V
2 kW
2.8 kW