ABB i-bus
Planning and application
Scene function
With the scene using 8 bits the push button issues the Room Master with
the instruction to call a scene. The scene is not stored in the push button
but rather in the Room Master.
A scene number is sent with the telegram value which must correspond with
the scene number in the parameters of the Room Master.
Up to 64 different scenes are managed via a single group address.
The scene telegram contains the call or store functions of a scene.
In the following the scene function is described which controls multiple
KNX devices.
With the scene it is possible to retrieve one of 64 scenes or to connect
multiple KNX devices in a scene. The scene can be retrieved or stored using
a single telegram. It is a prerequisite that all the operating devices are
parameterised with the same scene number.
Each KNX device involved receives the scene telegram and independently
controls the scenes values. Using the Room Master for example, the outputs
are switched on or off, the shutter moves to a determine position.
Up to 64 different scenes can be managed via a single KNX group address.
The following information is contained in a scene telegram:
Number of the scene (1…64)
Call scene / store scene
For further information see: