YASKAWA manual list
It is important to have all the manuals on the YASKAWA control or robot available and to
know their contents. Please make sure you have all these manuals. If you are missing any
manual, please contact the local YASKAWA branch office.
You must have the YASKAWA manuals listed below available.
Beginner's Reference (E1102000144XX01* or higher).
Install and Wiring (E1102000143XX01* or higher).
Basic programming (E1102000147XX01* or higher).
System Setup (E1102000145XX01* or higher).
Alarm list (E1102000146XX01* or higher).
Operating and maintenance instructions for the specific robot type.
* "XX" is the language of the document.
Personal protection
The entire working area of the robot is potentially dangerous. The following staff must work
with appropriate preparation and subject to the maxim
"Safety First"
to ensure the safety
of all.
Safety management
Assembly staff
Operating staff
Maintenance staff
Death by electric shock; serious injury from fire hazard;
Avoid dangerous actions in the area where the robot is installed. Be sure to take safety
Unauthorised persons should not have access to the robot.
Unauthorised persons should not have access to the peripheral equipment.
Put up signs in the respective working area, such as
"Highly flammable"
"No unauthorized access"
There is a risk of injury if there is contact with the robot or peripheral equipment.
Strictly observe the following items:
Always wear approved work clothes (no loose-fitting clothes).
Do not wear gloves when operating the robot.
Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) is subject to the provisions of the 89/656/EEC
Do not wear large jewellery, such as earrings, rings or pendants.
Always wear protective safety equipment such as protective helmets, safety shoes
(with anti-slip soles), face shields, safety goggles and gloves as necessary.