ECU converter JetCat Version: 1.0
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For the Futaba SBUS2 system a variety of settings in VSpeak ECU converter using the
Programming a JetCat GSU can be made.
In the overview the complete menu structure for all possible range of settings is shown.
The navigation takes place in the usual way, ie "scroll" between the parameters with the +/-
buttons - Value change with the pushed "Change Value / Item" button and added +/- buttons,
then instead of the ":" a small arrow shows the changed values.
Here the sensor start ID can be set, which is used to
register the sensors of the VSpeak ECU converter on the
Futaba system.
The ID is valid for CUR-F1678, SBS-01V and the first
rotation speed and temperature sensor SBS-01T
The second rotation speed and temperature sensor SBS-
01T then has the sensor start ID + 1.
Here, the StartSlot of each individual sensor can also be
set manually: in the transmitter, the assigned sensor is
also to be set manually at the corresponding slot address.
The corresponding sensor is deactivated with slot "--"
- is thus also deactivated for transmitter registry.
So RPM2 can then be activated and assigned to a slot for
2-shaft turbines, Speed - if an airspeed sensor is
connected to the ECU.
EGT transmission „1:1“ - or - "devided by 10".
Since the adjustable temperature alarm thresold in
futaba transmitters is only possible for max. 200 ° C,
here is the possibility to transfer the temperature value
divided by 10.
Sensor Start I D
: 2000 CURF1678
StBatF l CURF1678
: S l ot24 uses :3
: S l ot27 uses :1
: S l ot-- uses :1
PumpThr SBS01V
: S l ot28 uses :2
Speed SBS01T
: S l ot-- uses :1
: S l ot30 uses :1
Te l emetry System
: Futaba
EGT Transm i ss i on
: 1 : 1