ECU converter JetCat Version: 1.0
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The fuel consumption is displayed on the display as capacity value, ie, 1480mAh are 1480ml.
On the other hand, the percentage tank level is displayed as the current, ie, 49.5A correspond
to 49.5% tank level. The tank level is thus easy to read via the associated bar display. To
calculate the percentage of tank volume, F-SIZE is set to 100% after power on. For example a
1480ml fuel consumption and F-SIZE = 3000ml correspond to a current tank ratio of 49.5%.
VAR – Variometer
The HoTT Vario offers the possibility to display texts, in the example two lines with an MC20.
The bottom line shows the turbine status or the last OFF condition. If the turbine is in the "RUN
(reg.)", "SpeedCtrl" or "Rpm2Ctrl" status, the lower line shows the EGT and the remaining fuel
in ml.
The RPM display can be set with the "RPM-sel" parameter between the turbine RPM and RPM2
for 2-shaft turbines.
The tank level is converted in a percentage and displayed as altitude, e.g. 49m corresponds to
49% tank level (can be used for the speech output). The 100% value is set at startup. The value
in ml transferred during the powerup of the ECU is used as 100% value for calculation.
Furthermore, the alarms according to section 2.3.4. are also effective here.
"Failure" displays all OFF conditions except "RC-Off", "Auto-Off" and "Manual Off". This is
shown in the display for 2 seconds. For the duration of these display, an acoustic signal is also
displayed as a "strong rise" (+ 300.00m / s), when the Varioton switched on.
Status / OFF-Cond.
RPM / [RPM2]