Velocity Operation Manual
This will show the zone explorer settings menu. Press on
the zone text field to edit it.
arrows can be pressed to cycle through
the zone numbers.
Use <- and -> to place the cursor, and
to delete
unwanted text. Type the zone name, and press exit
when done. Repeat for all required zones.
SLC Device Text and Zoning
Velocity is an addressable panel, i.e. it will indicate the address or location of a fire that has been detected. The address number of
each point or device on the loop has already been set with the address programming tool VDOT-AD2. See Manual GLT-303-7-1 for
details. The installation engineer must now assign a label or location for each device, e.g. ROOM 107. A maximum of 24 characters can
be used for each label. Devices can also be allocated to their correct zones and this stage.
From the ENGINEER MENU, press the ‘point’ icon.
Press the text field of the device to be edited.
The Panel shows the on screen keyboard. Enter the
required device label (up to 24 characters). Press the
green tick to confirm the text.