Velocity Operation Manual
Creating an Installation Name
From the installer menu, press the ‘system’ Icon. Then
select the strings tab.
Enter the Installation Name, Maintenance Company and
contact number.
Press the exit button to leave the menu. Press the green
tick to confirm the changes.
From the installer menu, press the ‘system’ icon.
Select the USERS tab.
To change a user name, press user name.
To change a password, press the password. The panel
prompts to enter the new password twice
To delete a user, enter the password as blank.
Any unused user should have the password left blank
Press the exit button to leave the menu. Press the green
tick to confirm the changes.
Configuring the SLC Modules
Press the screen. The panel prompts for a password.
Enter the Engineer (Access Level 3) password (default is
Press the ‘loop’ Icon.
On the module selection screen, select the correct SLC
port number. The port number is shown in the brackets
on the left. When you select the SLC it will become
highlighted. Press the green tick to confirm the selection.
The port number will be labelled on the TRM PCB inside
the panel and are also shown in the Velocity Installation
manual (Doc: GLT-261-7-1).