UDO Super 6 — Owner’s Manual
Timing Division
LFO 1 Cycle Duration
1/4 note
1 beat
Dotted 1/8 note
3/4 of 1 beat
1/4 note triplet
1/3 of 2 beats
1/8 note
1/2 of 1 beat
Dotted 1/16 note
3/8 of 1 beat
1/8 note triplet
1/3 of 1 beat
1/16 note
1/4 of 1 beat
Dotted 1/32 note
3/16 of 1 beat
1/16 note triplet
1/6 of 1 beat
This fader determines the time it takes before the LFO modulation
starts to affect the sound after you have pressed a key.
This fader controls the Super 6’s binaural sound engine’s
left-right channel phase relationship, in other words: LFO 1’s effect on
the stereo field. This parameter allows you to do fairly complex stereo
modulations with just a single control.