December 2021
CAT® System Assembly Checklist
(File with Project Records)
Performed by:
1. Ensure only Trinity Highway CAT® parts are used for the assembly of the CAT® System and that all
parts are free of damage. (pp 5 & 6)
2. Ensure required traffic control is in place to conduct CAT® assembly. (p 5)
3. Ensure the appropriate CAT® Tail has been used. (pp 6 & 14)
4. Ensure proper site grading complies with state/specifying agency guidelines or AASHTO Roadside
Design Guide, whichever is more stringent. (pp 14 & 16)
5 Ensure the top of the Tube Sleeves do not protrude more than 4” [100 mm] above the finished grade.
(pp 17- 20).
6. Ensure that washers are assembled between the bolt head and strut and nut and strut at posts 1 & 2.
(p 18)
7. Ensure that 1 3/4” x 3” [42 mm x 75 mm] Rectangular Washers are assembled at Post Locations 8, 7, 2,
& 1. (pp 22, 25, 28 & 30)
8. Ensure the CAT® 12 Gauge, Slotted Guardrail-1 or CAT® 10 Gauge, Slotted/Welded, Guardrail-2 are
oriented correctly and lapped in the appropriate direction allowing them to telescope when impacted on
the nose. (pp 27 & 28)
9. Ensure that the CAT® 12 Gauge, Slotted Guardrail-1 or CAT® 10 Gauge, Slotted/Welded, Guardrail-2
are not bolted to post 3, 5, and 6. (pp 19 & 27)
10. Ensure that
the plate welded to the CAT® 10 Gauge, Slotted/Welded, Guardrail-2 is bolted to the
post at post 4. (p 34)
11. Ensure the CAT® 3/16” x 2” x 10” [5 mm x 50 mm x 250 mm] plate washers at posts 4 and 6 are located
on the inside and outside of the CAT® 12 Gauge, Slotted Guardrail-1 or CAT® 10 Gauge, Slotted/Welded,
Guardrail-2. (pp 35 and 37)
12. Ensure that only CAT® hex bolts with the
symbol are used to assemble the splices at posts 4 and
6. (pp 26-28)
13. Ensure that the gusset plates in the CAT® spacer block are facing Post 2. (p 29)
14. Ensure CAT® pipe sleeves are inserted at both Post 1 and Post 2. If a single sided CAT® Tail is used,
ensure a pipe sleeve is used at Post 6. (pp 24 & 32)
15. Ensure the CAT® Bearing Plate is toe nailed and oriented with the hole 3” from the bottom edge of the
CAT® Bearing Plate. (pp 24 & 32)
16. Ensure the CAT® Anchor Cable and CAT® Tail Anchor Cable when used, is double nutted on each end
and are tightened against each other with a minimum of two (2) threads showing past the outside nut.
(pp 24 & 32)
17. Ensure the CAT® Anchor Cable and CAT® Tail Anchor Cable when used is taut. (pp 24 & 32)
18. Ensure that the CAT® restraining rods are assembled down stream of posts 3 and 5 in the narrow portion
of the key holes of the CAT® 1 & 2 Guardrails and there are lock washers and nuts on the inside of the
panel and a nut on the outside of the panel with two threads showing past the nut. Ensure there are no
washers between the nut and traffic face of the panel. (p 33)
19. Ensure the CAT® knockout tubes are assembled correctly and on the downstream side of Posts 4 and
6, using two (2) lag screws. Ensure the CAT® Post Plates are assembled correctly on Post 4. (p 34)
20. Ensure that all fasteners of the CAT® are tightened to a snug position with a minimum of
two (2) bolt threads protruding beyond the nut.
There are no torque requirements.
(Various pp)
21. Ensure delineation is placed on the CAT® Nose Section per MUTCD and/ or state/specifying agency.
(p 35)
22. Ensure any steel delineator posts are a minimum of 3’-0 [1 m] upstream from the CAT® 10 Gauge Nose
Section. (p 35)