The DIAGNOSTICS menu is used to view diagnostics that
have resulted from system failures within the unit. There
are two lists where diagnostics reside; the Active list, and
the Diagnostic Event Log.
The Active list is used for viewing all active diagnostics
and for clearing manually resetable diagnostics. These
lists of diagnostics are displayed after pressing the
DIAGNOSTICS key if active diagnostics are present.
Active manual diagnostics can be cleared in batch form at
the unit mounted Human Interface. When an Active
diagnostic is manually or automatically cleared, it is
removed from this buffer. Automatically resetting
diagnostics can not be reset by the Human Interface,
because the condition that caused the diagnostic has to be
corrected for the diagnostic to clear.
The word “MORE” is displayed on all screens if more than
one diagnostic exist, except for the last diagnostic. Upon
reaching the last diagnostic, the word “MORE”
disappears. Pressing the NEXT key at this point causes the
display to advance to the first diagnostic in the Diagnostic
Event Log.
The Diagnostic Event Log screens are displayed after
scrolling through the Active list or after pressing the
DIAGNOSTICS key when no active diagnostics are
present. It’s used to view the past 20 diagnostics.
Diagnostics in this log are stacked in inverse chronological
order, with the first diagnostic screen being the most
recently reported diagnostic.
One of the following screens will be the first screen displayed when the DIAGNOSTIC" key is pressed
Diagnostic Menu ---- Info
No Active Diagnostics (NEXT) History Log
Press CANCEL to Clear All Active Manual
or Press NEXT to View
Pressing the "CANCEL" key to clear the diagnostics will prompt the following screen.
Diagnostic Reset Is Password Protected
Used With: All Units
Factory Presets: N/A
Possible Values: + (plus) and - (Minus)
Please Enter Password: _____________
Press the + (plus) or - (minus) keys to enter the password
Press the ENTER key to confirm this choice. When the correct password is entered, the
following screen will be displayed.
Resetting Active Manual Diagnostics
Sending Reset Request
and then the following screen will be displayed
Resetting Active Manual Diagnostics
Updating Unit Data, Please wait
and then the following screen will be displayed
Active Diagnostic -- Info
Please Wait, Unit Is In Reset Mode
Pressing the "NEXT" key to view the diagnostics will prompt the following screen if a "MANUAL RESET" failure has occurred.