All tradem arks referenced in this docum ent are the
tradem arks of their respective ow ners.
Revision History
CVHH-SVX001A-EN (10 Oct 2014)
First version of this literature
Factory Warranty Information
Com pliance w ith the follow ing is required to preserve the
factory warranty:
All Unit Installations
Startup M UST be perform ed by Trane, or an authorized
agent of Trane, to VALIDATE this WARRANTY. Contractor
m ust provide a tw o-w eek startup notification to Trane (or
an agent of Trane specifically authorized to perform
Additional Requirements for Units Requiring
When a new fully assem bled chiller is shipped and
received from our Trane m anufacturing location and, for
any reason, it requires disassem bly or partial
disassem bly—w hich could include but is not lim ited to the
evaporator, condenser, control panel, com pressor/m otor,
purge, factory-m ounted starter or any other com ponents
originally attached to the fully assem bled unit—
com pliance w ith the follow ing is required to preserve the
factory warranty:
Trane, or an agent of Trane specifically authorized to
perform start-up and warranty of Trane
products, w ill
perform or have direct on-site technical supervision of
the disassem bly and reassem bly w ork.
The installing contractor m ust notify Trane—or an
agent of Trane specifically authorized to perform
startup and warranty of Trane
products—tw o w eeks
in advance of the scheduled disassem bly w ork to
coordinate the disassem bly and reassem bly w ork.
Start-up m ust be perform ed by Trane or an agent of
Trane specifically authorized to perform startup and
warranty of Trane
Trane, or an agent of Trane specifically authorized to
perform start-up and warranty of Trane
products, w ill
provide qualified personnel and standard hand tools to
perform the disassem bly w ork at a location specified by
the contractor. Trane, or an agent of Trane specifically
authorized to perform start-up and warranty of Trane
products, w ill perform or have direct on-site supervision of
the disassem bly and reassem bly w ork. The contractor
shall provide the rigging equipm ent such as chain falls,
gantries, cranes, forklifts, etc. necessary for the
disassem bly and reassem bly w ork and the required
qualified personnel to operate the necessary rigging
equipm ent.
Im port ant :
Any deviation from these requirem ents
m ust be agreed upon prior to startup in a
w ritten agreem ent from Trane.
Содержание CVHH
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