Vent Piping
Trane RuptureGuard
General Information
The Trane RuptureGuard™ refrigerant containm ent
system replaces the rupture disk on new low pressure
chillers utilizing R-1233
(E). The RuptureGuard system
consists of a solid-m etal, (non-fragm enting) reverse-
buckling rupture disk, and autom atically re-seating relief
valve. The relief valve and the rupture disk are rated at the
chiller ’s m axim um w orking pressure level. If the chiller ’s
refrigerant pressure exceeds the rupture disk burst rating,
the disk bursts, releasing pressure to the relief valve. The
relief valve vents the pressure dow n to a safe level and
then re-seats, thus m inim izing the am ount of refrigerant
vented to the atm osphere.
Figure 21
illustrates the
operation of a reverse buckling rupture disk.
To prevent water, refrigerant and/or other debris such as
rust from hindering the operation of the valve, a drip leg
should be installed im m ediately after or dow nstream of
the RuptureGuard (see
Figure 22
Connection to External Vent Line and Drip
With RuptureGuard installed horizontally, the drain plug
dow nstream of the valve relief plug and nearest to the
bottom of the valve body should be piped to the drip leg
in the vent line. This w ill allow the rem oval of any
condensate form ed w ithin the valve body.
Provisions, such as installing a set of flanges (see
Figure 22
) or other disconnect m eans, m ust be m ade in the
discharge vent piping. This w ill allow the piping
dow nstream of the valve to be easily rem oved for an
annual inspection, to replace the rupture disk, or for any
other servicing need.
Figure 20.
Arrangement for rupture disk relief piping
Alt er nat e
Pur ge dischar ge
vent line
Out side
Suppor t
t his pipe
Flex ible
st eel
connect ion
Dr ip leg
( lengt h as r equir ed
for easy access)
1/ 4 in. FL x 1/ 4 in. NPT
drain valve
Rupt ur e disk
assem bly
Figure 21.
Reverse buckling rupture disk
Equipment Damage!
Trane assumes no responsibility for equipment damage
caused by insufficient drainage of drip leg. All vent lines
must be equipped w ith a drip leg of sufficient volume
to hold the expected accumulation of water and/ or
refrigerant. The drip leg must be drained periodically to
assure that it does not overflow and allow fluid to flow
into the horizontal portion of the vent line.
Disk in norm al
operat ing posit ion.
Chiller pressur e is
below 50 psig.
The disk snaps
open t hr ough t he
scor e line of t he
out let r ing and t he
pr essure is vent ed.
The out let r ing is
designed w it h a
hinge ar ea t o r et ain
t he disk pet al.
When chiller
pr essure exceeds
t he disk ’s rat ed
bur st pressur e, t he
disk begins t o t ear
open along t he
scor e line of t he
out let r ing.
Ch ille r
Ch ille r
Ch ille r
Содержание CVHH
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