Chapter 4 Standalone Operation
4.1 Introduction
The Piezo Driver K-Cube has been designed specifically to operate with the extensive
range of Thorlabs piezo-actuated opto-mechanical products. The unit offers a fully
featured open loop control capability, including piezo drive voltage adjustment and
input source selection. These parameters can be set via the APT Server software -
see Chapter 5. Furthermore, many of these parameters are automatically set to allow
“out of the box” operation with no further “tuning” required.
When the K-Cube Piezo Driver is used in conjunction with the K-Cube Strain Gauge
Reader unit (KSG101), high precision closed loop operation is possible using the
complete range of feedback equipped piezo actuators available from Thorlabs.
The following brief overview explains how the front panel controls can be used to
perform a typical series of piezo moves.
In conjunction with this chapter, it also may be useful to read the background on piezo
operation contained in Appendix E .
Shock Warning
Persons using the KPZ101 controller must understand the hazards associated
with using high voltages and the steps necessary to avoid risk of electrical
shock. If the KPZ101 is used in a manner not specified by Thorlabs, the
protective features provided by the product may be impaired.