Controlled-Rate Freezer
PC Interface Software | 45
limited functionality. A user can login using “Anonymous”
when there are no user identities created.
Common Login
: A user can login to the PC software
with the identity of the user name in the User name field
and the static recovery password “ThermoCRF”.
Forgot Password
: This link enables user to reset the
password when user forgets the password by way of
entering correct hint question and answer.
User name will be supplied with the security module of
the software. 'Anonymous' is used if password security is not
enabled. This will be displayed on the bottom right corner.
Requirements for user name and password are described
User name Requirements:
User name length must be between 7 to 12 characters.
User name can only start with “$”, “_” or an alphabet,
digits and special characters (‘@’ ‘$’ and ‘_’ only) can be
added after the first character.
Password can be alphanumeric from third character
User name cannot have spaces or linefeed.
“Please enter User name” message displays if User name
field is blank.
Password Requirements:
Password length must be between 8 to 12 characters.
The Password should contain combination of minimum
one Uppercase (A - Z), Lowercase (a - z), Number (0 - 9)
and special characters (@#$%^&+=).
The message “Please enter Password” displays if
Password field is blank.
If login information is not valid, application guides whether
user-name or password entered is wrong by displaying
corresponding error messages
Login Error Messages
If validation fails, corresponding error messages will be
displayed as shown in
Table 10
Table 10. Login Error Messages
This message appears when the user name length is not
between 7 to 12 characters.
This message appears when the user name field is blank.
This message appears when the password length is not
between 8 to 12 characters.
This message appears when the password field is blank.
This message appears when the user enters incorrect user
This message appears when the user enters incorrect