18 | Operation
Controlled Rate Freezer
Figure 31. Chart color pallet Screen
Chart settings are applied to both Active Run and Run Review
Select Save to apply changes.
Custom Fields
When you select Custom Fields, the following screen is
Figure 32. Settings (Custom Fields) Screen
Press on Add Field button to enter more custom fields (refer
). You can add up to 12 custom fields. Custom
Fields are used to provide additional metadata or details
about a profile.
Figure 33. Settings (Add Custom Field) Screen
When you select Alarms, the following screen is displayed:
Figure 34. Settings (Alarms) Screen
Here you can adjust the following parameters for the Tracking
Alarm and Temperature:
Tracking Alarm Time
: From 1, 3, 5, 10 minutes using
the drop down menu.
Tracking Alarm Temperature
: From 3°C, 5°C, 10°C,
15°C using the drop down menu.
Select Save button to apply all changes.
Printer (Optional)
When you select Printer, the following screen is displayed: