The Configuration Menu
Other Settings Tab
You can configure a remote alarm host which enables the DVR to send event or
exception notifications to the alarm host when an alarm is triggered. The remote
alarm host must have appropriate software installed for this feature to work
Alarm Host
The location on your network where an IP-based alarm system is
Alarm Host
The port associated with the IP-based alarm system.
Server Port
This is the internal port that the DVR will use to send information
This is the port through which you will be able to log in to the DVR.
Multicast IP
Multicast IP is a technique for one-to-many and many-to-many
real-time communication over an IP infrastructure in a network.
The receiver will receive data from that IP without the need to
contact individual devices directly. In most circumstances this
option is not required.
This port is used to stream real-time images through, and is the
port that will be used to communicate with mobile devices.
If the default port numbers are in use (85 and/or 8000) then the simplest
solution is just to keep “adding one” until you find a port which is not in use. So, if 85
is already taken, try 86 or 87.
There’s no “right” port number(s) to use - any port number will work provided the
DVR is the only device using it. For this reason, avoid using port numbers 80, 81, 82,
88, 90, and 99 as these are often used by other devices/programs/protocols.