The Configuration Menu
DST Settings Tab
Enable DST
Enable this setting if you want the DVR to adjust the time when
daylight savings time begins.
From / To
Define when daylight savings applies to your location. There are
many different standards for DST which can vary dramatically
even in the same time zone, so you’ll need to tell the DVR when it
applies to you.
DST Bias
This refers to the difference in minutes, between Coordinated
Universal Time (UTC) and the local time. Select the time that DST
has increased by in your time zone, which is typically 60 minutes
in many locations.
More Settings Tab
Device Name
The default name of the DVR. You can also enter your own name
for the DVR.
Device No.
The internal device number of the DVR.
Auto Logout
Select how long a menu screen remains inactive before the DVR
closes the menu screen and displays Live View screen